Each semester I take team photos of our students at the beginning and end of the term. It’s fun to do, the students need the photos for their project websites, and there is always a fun creative challenge to do something that is relevant to their project.

Five Sided Square

Five Sided Square

Five Sided Square” is a student-pitched project to develop a game for the Sifteo Cubeplatform. The photo was made with an off camera flash simulating light from a Sifteo cube. The team logo on the cube and some table reflections were added in Photoshop afterwards.

antEAter Team

The “antEAter” team is working on a project for Electronic Arts. Shot outdoors with a lot of fill flash.

Crescendo Team

Crescendo Team

Crescendo” is developing a music game this semester for Korean game company SmileGate. Photo shot outdoors with not quite enough fill light, so I had to do some work in Lightroom.