Let me summarize the plot in terms of the bad guy’s plan:

“So guys, I was up all night working on this. Here’s the deal: we’ll blow up a train so we can steal a secret hardware device that will allow us to melt down all of the nuclear reactors in the US. And at the same time we’ll kidnap the Secretary of Defense and hold him on trial in the biggest streaming media event to ever happen online, simply to hide the fact we’re uploading a few lines of code to 300 computers. Ah, but if they foil our plans and not even one of the reactors melts down, then we’ll steal a Stealth fighter and shoot down Air Force 1, but only enough to make it have an emergency landing. Then we’ll get there before anyone else, steal the football and take only the pages out of the code book that we need to set off the nuclear warhead that we have. (Note to self: steal nuclear warhead.) Then we’ll launch the nuke from 1800 miles away and fly it below radar, and for three hours no one will notice a 600 mph missile zipping over their heads. We’ll aim it at Hollywood for no good reason other than they think they’re significant. And I’ll be sure to be in LA at the time, except I’ll escape the nuclear blast in a helicopter 10 minutes before the missile hits. Oh, and I’m taking that hot white chick with me, but no one else. Any questions?”