
** This site is now longer used for the class, so I have taken down it’s content. **


Entrepreneurship in Entertainment Technology is a class taught by Carl Rosendahl for Masters students at Carnegie Mellon University’s Entertainment Technology Center (the ETC). It is offered every semester at the ETC’s Silicon Valley campus.

I have been teaching this class since the Spring semester of 2011.

I decided to publish the content of the class as I give it during the Spring semester of 2013. I hope that you’ll find the information useful and contribute to the discussion on the class pages. The content on this site represents only about 1/3 of what happens in the classroom – the best parts happen in discussions and student presentations.

If you are an educator feel free to print and distribute to your class (with attribution) or use this site. I would love to know how you are using this material and welcome any suggestions to improve it.

Thank you,
Carl Rosendahl

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